A La Mode
With a bounty of fruits and veggies available in Asheville this time of year we à la mode everything - and sometimes just keep a pint of dairy and vegan ice cream in the freezer to encourage baking. Here are 2 à la mode ideas for you!
Blackberry Crumble Bar à la mode
Blackberry Crumble:
Shown above is a scoop of our classic and delicious Vanilla Bean Ice Cream atop a Blackberry Crumble Bar (made with you-pick berries by co-owner and creator, Ashley).
Grilled local peaches à la mode
Grilled Peaches:
Grilled Lee’s One Fortune Farm peaches and Ice Cream are soooo good together. And this can be an easy vegan, non-dairy treat too! Definitely approved by the kiddos.
What is your favorite food served à la mode? Feel free to share with us on social media - @HopIceCreamNC.