Pawpaw Ice Cream?

Thanks to the efforts of many local growers Pawpaw Ice Cream will be available starting TODAY, 10/6, at all locations! AND the release will feature both a dairy and vegan version. Here's what Co-owner Ashley Garrison has to say about this very special release, “Pawpaws are a magical fruit with such a unique flavor - somewhere between mango, banana, vanilla and pineapple. It’s such a treat to be able to work with various local growers to make this ice cream possible on a larger scale.”.

Click here for a little video of us making Pawpaw Ice Cream at The Creamery :)

The pawpaw tree’s fruit has a thin green skin, large brown seeds, and smooth, sunshine-yellow, custard-like flesh. Pawpaw is a deciduous, native, understory tree that grows in deep shade to full sunlight in moist, nutrient-rich forests. Their leaves are the sole food source for zebra swallowtail butterflies, also making the trees an important addition to pollinator gardens. 

This release would not have been possible without the enormous group effort of many local farmers, most notably, Kim Bailey and Milkweed Meadows Farm. Kim was able to help us source 40 lbs of pawpaw pulp. With that much this seasonal Ice Cream release will be one of our largest this year! We also want to give a shout to Gommin Acres Farm and Shady Hollow Farm.


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